Fire Resistant, Zero Halogen, Low Smoke Cables BASEC & LPCB approved to BS5839-1:2013 26.2d & … THE SECURITIES REFERRED TO HEREIN HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTERED AND WILL NOT BE REGISTERED IN THE UNITED STATES UNDER THE U.S. SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED (THE “SECURITIES ACT”), OR PURSUANT TO THE CORRESPONDING REGULATIONS IN FORCE IN THE OTHER COUNTRIES AND MAY NOT BE OFFERED OR SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES OR TO “U. NoBurn Platinum Fire Resistant Cable - Red. These cables are often required in local and national building codes as well as standards which ensure the safety of refineries, roadway tunnels and transit systems. Fire rated cables are qualified to the ASTM E-119 fire temperature curve and remain operational for a specified time. 2 Fire proof layer Mica tape. Vitalink 2-Hour Fire Rated Cable, 300V, 16 AWG, 2 Conductor, Shielded, LSZH, CSA PERFORMANCE: RC90 per CSA 22.2 No. THE COMPANY DOES NOT INTEND TO REGISTER ANY PORTION OF ANY OFFERING IN THE UNITED STATES. A fire rated cable is needed when circuit integrity is required to assure the safe egress of building occupants or orderly shutdown of systems. Voltage Rating : 300/500V Temperature Range :-30°C to + 70°C (The cable should not be flexed when either the ambient or cable temperature is below 0°C) Minimum Bending Radius : 6D. QUALUNQUE OFFERTA PUBBLICA SARÀ REALIZZATA IN ITALIA SULLA BASE DI UN PROSPETTO, APPROVATO DA CONSOB IN CONFORMITÀ ALLA REGOLAMENTAZIONE APPLICABILE. Furthermore, Jet Fire cables will also meet the requirements of IEC 60311-21 by passing circuit integrity tests for three hours at both 750 °C and 1,000 °C. Start Designing Contact Us . GLI INVESTITORI NON DOVREBBERO SOTTOSCRIVERE ALCUNO STRUMENTO FINANZIARIO SE NON SULLA BASE DELLE INFORMAZIONI CONTENUTE NEL RELATIVO PROSPETTO. I understand that it may affect my rights. MULTI CORE FLEXIBLE FIRE RATED, 0.6/1KV X-HF 110; SINGLE CORE FIRE RATED,POWER CABLE 0.6/1kV HFS-110-TP; SINGLE CORE FLEXIBLE, FIRE RATED POWER CABLE, 0.6/1KV HFS-110-TP; DISCOVER OUR BRANDS; XLPE; MINTO; AFLEX; HARTLAND; CMI Head Office NSW | (02) 9807 6155 | 18-20 Railway Road, Meadowbank NSW 2114 | QUESTO SITO WEB (E LE INFORMAZIONI IVI CONTENUTE) NON CONTIENE NÉ COSTITUISCE UN'OFFERTA DI VENDITA DI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI O UNA SOLLECITAZIONE DI OFFERTA DI ACQUISTO O SOTTOSCRIZIONE DI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI NEGLI STATI UNITI, IN AUSTRALIA, CANADA O GIAPPONE O IN QUALSIASI ALTRO PAESE NEL QUALE L’OFFERTA O SOLLECITAZIONE DEGLI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI SAREBBERO SOGGETTE ALL’AUTORIZZAZIONE DA PARTE DI AUTORITÀ LOCALI O COMUNQUE VIETATE AI SENSI DI LEGGE (GLI “ALTRI PAESI”). BS 7629 Electric cables. They do not require additional ducting or external protection so take up less space, are lighter that conventional solutions and are easier and less expensive to install and maintain. Jet Fire Cables – Protection from offshore jet fires. The cable's materials are not going to burn during a sudden surge of electricity up to 150 watts and the cable itself will not carry a flame. I understand that it may affect my rights. When the fire has been extinguished, the layer will turn into a firm, ceramic substance which provides heat insulation. Loading … Recommended metal clip spacing 300mm Horizontal 400mm Vertical. Visit our local websites for further information. FIRE RATED CABLES. I declare that I am not resident or located in United States, Australia, Canada or Japan or any Other Countries and I am not a “U.S. Confirmation that the certifying party understands and accepts the above disclaimer. Thorne & Derrick distribute an extensive range of fire resistant cables and cable accessories for use with fire performance (FP) type cables – this includes FP cable glands, cable joints and Ellis Patents fire rated cable cleats tested in accordance with BS 5839-1:2002, Section 26.2d.. 3 Insulation Flame retardant Cross-linked low smoke zero halogen mineral insulated (XLEVA-MI) compound, colour orange. Is MC cable fire rated? System 2200 Alloy 825 sheathed mineral insulated (MI) fire rated wiring cables. Addressable Detectors. The "resistance-to-fire" of a cable means how long a cable continues to operate in a fire. PERSONS” SALVO CHE I TITOLI SIANO REGISTRATI AI SENSI DEL SECURITIES ACT O IN PRESENZA DI UN'ESENZIONE DALLA REGISTRAZIONE APPLICABILE AI SENSI DEL SECURITIES ACT. 300/500V. CMP vs LSZH: Fire Rated Ethernet Cabling Explained. If a Jet Fire cable is exposed to a jet fire, rapid changes in the material state will give a cooling effect, which is maintained during a fire. CONSEGUENTEMENTE, CHIUNQUE EFFETTUI O INTENDA EFFETTUARE UN’OFFERTA DI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI IN UNO STATO MEMBRO RILEVANTE DIVERSA DALL’“OFFERTA PUBBLICA CONSENTITA” PUÒ FARLO ESCLUSIVAMENTE LADDOVE NON SIA PREVISTO ALCUN OBBLIGO PER LA SOCIETÀ O UNO DEI JOINT GLOBAL COORDINATOR O DEI MANAGER DI PUBBLICARE RISPETTIVAMENTE UN PROSPETTO AI SENSI DELL'ARTICOLO 3 DELLA DIRETTIVA PROSPETTO O INTEGRARE UN PROSPETTO AI SENSI DELL'ARTICOLO 16 DELLA DIRETTIVA PROSPETTO, IN RELAZIONE A TALE OFFERTA. These are used for installations that require enhanced integrity of the circuit. Fire-rated Wiring Cable is a specialty wire used to power emergency response equipment such as fire pumps, fire fighter elevators, smoke extraction fans, backup generators and more. It’s when the flames consume everything around them and the heat becomes intolerable that our range of Fire Rated Cables, Afumex, display their best qualities. The resistance-to-fire performance is measured as follows: 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes of operation in a standardised fire condition at European Level (CENELEC) and equivalent international (IEC). Dichiaro di non essere soggetto residente o trovarmi negli Stati Uniti, in Australia, Canada o Giappone o uno degli Altri Paesi e di non essere una “US person” (ai sensi della Regulation S del Securities Act). SeaflameTM – Setting new standards in fire resistant cables. Fire Protection in an Urban Retrofit. Find out more and set your cookie preferences here. GLI INVESTITORI NON DOVREBBERO SOTTOSCRIVERE ALCUNO STRUMENTO FINANZIARIO SE NON SULLA BASE DELLE INFORMAZIONI CONTENUTE NEL RELATIVO PROSPETTO. BS 7629-1, BS EN 50200. Columbia’s Type Fire Rated (FR) Cables are manufactured in accordance with IEC 331Standard and tested to BS 6387 under Category C, W, Z. Contact us to discuss your requirements for FP Cable Glands. ACCORDINGLY, ANY PERSON MAKING OR INTENDING TO MAKE ANY OFFER OF SECURITIES IN A RELEVANT MEMBER STATE OTHER THAN THE PERMITTED PUBLIC OFFER, MAY ONLY DO SO IN CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH NO OBLIGATION ARISES FOR THE COMPANY OR ANY OF THE JOINT GLOBAL COORDINATORS OR ANY OF THE MANAGERS TO PUBLISH A PROSPECTUS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 3 OF THE PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE OR SUPPLEMENT A PROSPECTUS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 16 OF THE PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE, IN EACH CASE, IN RELATION TO SUCH OFFER. Read on to avoid getting burned! Contact Us Today! Lifeline fire resistive cables were designed to meet and have successfully passed the two hour fire rating certification test per UL 2196, Standard for Tests for Fire Resistive Cables. Each situation is unique. It is CSA Listed as Type RC90 and Certified to ULC S139 “Tests for Fire Resistive Cables”. Type 241 Underground (coal) Mining Cables; Type 275 Shuttle Car Cables; Type 409 Mining and General Use Cables ; Detonator Cable; Automotive & Marine Cables. THE SECURITIES REFERRED TO HEREIN HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTERED AND WILL NOT BE REGISTERED IN THE UNITED STATES UNDER THE U.S. SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED (THE “SECURITIES ACT”), OR PURSUANT TO THE CORRESPONDING REGULATIONS IN FORCE IN THE OTHER COUNTRIES AND MAY NOT BE OFFERED OR SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES OR TO “U. S. PERSONS” UNLESS SUCH SECURITIES ARE REGISTERED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT, OR AN EXEMPTION FROM THE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS OF THE SECURITIES ACT IS AVAILABLE. CMP vs LSZH: Fire Rated Ethernet Cabling Explained. Ducab’s Fire performance… A CL2 rating meaning that a cable has passed the required NEC test for a high rating of fire resistance. Circuit integrity cable (CIC) came into wider focus post-9/11. Draka/Prysmian Group-Lifeline Cables. Resistance can be crucial in the case of fire-fighting installations, such as sprinkler systems. They are designed to continue to operate for an extended time in the high temperatures generated by a fire and will withstand the mechanical impacts and water sprinklers or hose jetting used to fight a fire. SeaflameTM will continue to operate even when exposed to a temperature of 1,050 °C for six hours and will resist the mechanical impact and water sprays / jetting experienced during offshore fire fighting. Get Quote. Comprendo che può condizionare i miei diritti. L'ESPRESSIONE “DIRETTIVA PROSPETTI” INDICA LA DIRETTIVA 2003/71/CE (TALE DIRETTIVA E LE RELATIVE MODIFICHE, NONCHÉ LA DIRETTIVA 2010/73/UE, NELLA MISURA IN CUI SIA RECEPITA NELLO STATO MEMBRO RILEVANTE, UNITAMENTE A QUALSIASI MISURA DI ATTUAZIONE NEL RELATIVO STATO MEMBRO). An urban electrical contractor chose mineral insulated (MI) 2 hour fire-rated cable to protect this building’s emergency electrical equipment in New York City. I documenti contenuti nella presente sezione hanno esclusivamente finalità informative e non sono diretti o destinati all'accesso da parte di persone che si trovano o sono residenti negli Stati Uniti, in Australia, Canada o Giappone o uno degli Altri Paesi. Description NoBurn Platinum Fire Resistant Cable - Red Fire Resistant, Zero Halogen, Low Smoke Cables. Fire-rated and Fire-resistive Cable: Fire-rated/fire-resistive cable passed rigorous UL testing and earned standardized certification worldwide. These cables are used where the fire safety is utmost important. Fire Rated Cables - Multi Core Flexible; Fire Control Cable - Light Duty and Twisted; Fire Control Cable - Light Duty and Low Smoke Zero Halogen; Fire Control Cable - Ordinary Duty and Heavy Duty; Mining Cables. I have read and understood the above disclaimer. Configure voltage drop with this easy-to-use online calculator. An installer can choose other options than circuit integrity (CI) cable and still meet NFPA 72 survivability requirements, but these other choices my not be practical. 2-hour fire rated cables are able to stay functioning even 2 hours after a fire breaks out. BS 7846 Electric cables. Technical Support is available to help you Engineer the most cost effective solution. Find out more and set your cookie preferences here. THIS WEBSITE (AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN) DOES NOT CONTAIN OR CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OF SECURITIES FOR SALE, OR SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO PURCHASE OR SUBSCRIBE FOR SECURITIES, IN THE UNITED STATES, AUSTRALIA, CANADA OR JAPAN OR ANY OTHER COUNTRIES WHERE SUCH AN OFFER OR SOLICITATION WOULD REQUIRE THE APPROVAL OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES OR OTHERWISE BE UNLAWFUL (THE “OTHER COUNTRIES”). L'ESPRESSIONE “DIRETTIVA PROSPETTI” INDICA LA DIRETTIVA 2003/71/CE (TALE DIRETTIVA E LE RELATIVE MODIFICHE, NONCHÉ LA DIRETTIVA 2010/73/UE, NELLA MISURA IN CUI SIA RECEPITA NELLO STATO MEMBRO RILEVANTE, UNITAMENTE A QUALSIASI MISURA DI ATTUAZIONE NEL RELATIVO STATO MEMBRO). Person” (according to Regulation S of the Securities Act). The information contained on this section is for information purposes only and are not intended for or open to access by anyone who is in or who is resident in the USA, Australia, Canada, Japan or in any of the Other Countries. MC Cables. It is the investment in innovation that ensures Draka products meet or surpass the requirements of the latest fire rated cable performance standards. THIS WEBSITE (AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN) DOES NOT CONTAIN OR CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OF SECURITIES FOR SALE, OR SOLICITATION OF AN OFFER TO PURCHASE OR SUBSCRIBE FOR SECURITIES, IN THE UNITED STATES, AUSTRALIA, CANADA OR JAPAN OR ANY OTHER COUNTRIES WHERE SUCH AN OFFER OR SOLICITATION WOULD REQUIRE THE APPROVAL OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES OR OTHERWISE BE UNLAWFUL (THE “OTHER COUNTRIES”). Comprendo che può condizionare i miei diritti. In Stock. We discuss the two competing fire ratings (CMP & LSZH) you are likely to see stamped onto an Ethernet cable jacket. Get Quote. Specification for 300/500 V fire resistant screened cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire Multicore and multipair cables. The Building Regulations for England 2010, 2019 edition, Volume 2: Buildings other than dwellings, Requirement B1, states that where necessary, escape routes are sufficiently protected from the effects of fire … ANY OFFER OF SECURITIES IN ANY MEMBER STATE OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA (“EEA”) WHICH HAS IMPLEMENTED THE PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE (EACH, A “RELEVANT MEMBER STATE”), WILL BE MADE ON THE BASIS OF A PROSPECTUS APPROVED BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY AND PUBLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE (THE “PERMITTED PUBLIC OFFER”) AND/OR PURSUANT TO AN EXEMPTION UNDER THE PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE FROM THE REQUIREMENT TO PUBLISH A PROSPECTUS FOR OFFERS OF SECURITIES. This depends on the property of its component materials, and its assembly or structure. S. PERSONS” UNLESS SUCH SECURITIES ARE REGISTERED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT, OR AN EXEMPTION FROM THE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS OF THE SECURITIES ACT IS AVAILABLE. ANY PUBLIC OFFERING WILL BE CONDUCTED IN ITALY PURSUANT TO A PROSPECTUS, DULY AUTHORIZED BY CONSOB IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. This cable is certified to maintain full operation (circuit integrity) for a specified period within burning structures. Learn more in our System 1850 video now. Product Name: Draka G30075 Lifeline, 350 MCM RHW-2 or RW90 Two-Hour Fire Rated Cable. They can also be used in building complexes and public spaces in the case of an emergency. I agree to be bound by its terms. PERSONS” SALVO CHE I TITOLI SIANO REGISTRATI AI SENSI DEL SECURITIES ACT O IN PRESENZA DI UN'ESENZIONE DALLA REGISTRAZIONE APPLICABILE AI SENSI DEL SECURITIES ACT. Product Name: Draka G30074 Lifeline, 250 MCM RHW-2 or RW90 Two-Hour Fire Rated Cable. CONSEGUENTEMENTE, CHIUNQUE EFFETTUI O INTENDA EFFETTUARE UN’OFFERTA DI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI IN UNO STATO MEMBRO RILEVANTE DIVERSA DALL’“OFFERTA PUBBLICA CONSENTITA” PUÒ FARLO ESCLUSIVAMENTE LADDOVE NON SIA PREVISTO ALCUN OBBLIGO PER LA SOCIETÀ O UNO DEI JOINT GLOBAL COORDINATOR O DEI MANAGER DI PUBBLICARE RISPETTIVAMENTE UN PROSPETTO AI SENSI DELL'ARTICOLO 3 DELLA DIRETTIVA PROSPETTO O INTEGRARE UN PROSPETTO AI SENSI DELL'ARTICOLO 16 DELLA DIRETTIVA PROSPETTO, IN RELAZIONE A TALE OFFERTA. UL Listed 2-Hr Fire Rated Power & Control Cables. Quick Voltage Drop Calclator . I documenti contenuti nella presente sezione hanno esclusivamente finalità informative e non sono diretti o destinati all'accesso da parte di persone che si trovano o sono residenti negli Stati Uniti, in Australia, Canada o Giappone o uno degli Altri Paesi. Ho letto e compreso il disclaimer sopraesposto. Addressable Bases; Addressable Beam Detectors; Addressable Duct Probes ; CLIP Addressable Point Detectors; Detector … SeaflameTM Ultra Fire Resistant Cables exceed the most rigorous international testing standards to deliver the performance our customers rely on in emergency situations. SeaflameTM is Prysmian’s new family of fire resistant power, control and instrumentation cables. NON SI INTENDE EFFETTUARE ALCUNA OFFERTA AL PUBBLICO DI TALI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI NEGLI STATI UNITI. THE EXPRESSION “PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE” MEANS DIRECTIVE 2003/71/EC (THIS DIRECTIVE AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, INCLUDING DIRECTIVE 2010/73/EC, TO THE EXTENT IMPLEMENTED IN THE RELEVANT MEMBER STATE, TOGETHER WITH ANY IMPLEMENTING MEASURES IN ANY MEMBER STATE). Our new family will withstand 250 kW/m2 jet fires and withstand temperatures exceeding 1,200 °C for half an hour in accordance with ISO 22899-1. Prysmian’s Jet Fire family of cables are designed to continue to operate in the extreme conditions experienced during offshore jet fires. Get Quote . In Stock. System 2000 Alloy 825 sheathed mineral insulated (MI) fire rated wiring cables. QUALSIASI OFFERTA DI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI IN QUALSIASI STATO MEMBRO DELLO SPAZIO ECONOMICO EUROPEO (“SEE”) CHE ABBIA RECEPITO LA DIRETTIVA PROSPETTI (CIASCUNO, UN “STATO MEMBRO RILEVANTE”) SARÀ EFFETTUATA SULLA BASE DI UN PROSPETTO APPROVATO DALL’AUTORITÀ COMPETENTE E PUBBLICATO IN CONFORMITÀ A QUANTO PREVISTO DALLA DIRETTIVA PROSPETTI (L’“OFFERTA PUBBLICA CONSENTITA”) E/O AI SENSI DI UN’ESENZIONE DAL REQUISITO DI PUBBLICAZIONE DI UN PROSPETTO PER OFFERTE DI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI PREVISTA DALLA DIRETTIVA PROSPETTI. 4 Core Screened; 1 Core (No Sheath) 2 Core; 2 Core Screened; 4 Core; 6 Core; Cable Accessories; LSZH Earth Cables - PVC Free; 2HR Fire Rated Single Core Cables; Videos; Downloads; News; Contact Us; Detection Products. Product Name: Draka G30076 Lifeline, 500 MCM RHW-2 or RW90 Two-Hour Fire Rated Cable. Technical Data. Fire Rated Cables. QUALSIASI OFFERTA DI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI IN QUALSIASI STATO MEMBRO DELLO SPAZIO ECONOMICO EUROPEO (“SEE”) CHE ABBIA RECEPITO LA DIRETTIVA PROSPETTI (CIASCUNO, UN “STATO MEMBRO RILEVANTE”) SARÀ EFFETTUATA SULLA BASE DI UN PROSPETTO APPROVATO DALL’AUTORITÀ COMPETENTE E PUBBLICATO IN CONFORMITÀ A QUANTO PREVISTO DALLA DIRETTIVA PROSPETTI (L’“OFFERTA PUBBLICA CONSENTITA”) E/O AI SENSI DI UN’ESENZIONE DAL REQUISITO DI PUBBLICAZIONE DI UN PROSPETTO PER OFFERTE DI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI PREVISTA DALLA DIRETTIVA PROSPETTI. I agree to be bound by its terms. I have read and understood the above disclaimer. System 2000 MI Wiring Alloy 825 Cable. FIRE RESISTANT CABLES (FR) FLAME RETARDANT CABLES (FRT) CERTIFICATION & AWARD. Providing circuit integrity under 2000 °F/1093 °C hydrocarbon fire conditions and control of MOVs, EBVs and other critical circuits. Fire Rated Cables - Multi Core Flexible; Fire Control Cable - Light Duty and Twisted; Fire Control Cable - Light Duty and Low Smoke Zero Halogen; Fire Control Cable - Ordinary Duty and Heavy Duty; Mining Cables. By continuing to use our site or clicking “Allow” you consent to use our cookies. In addition, any specific local standards or customer specifications can be achieved with our local or tailor-made products. Lifeline® products are manufactured with ceramification technology to produce fire resistive cables qualified to the most demanding standards. He explained survivability and the issues now facing the industry with regard to two-hour fire-rated cables and the loss of their certification. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY SECURITIES REFERRED TO IN THIS DOCUMENT EXCEPT ON THE BASIS OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN ANY PROSPECTUS. 2HR Fire Rated Control Cables. Furthermore, Jet Fire cables will also meet the requirements of IEC 60311-21 by passing circuit integrity tests for three hours at both 750 °C and 1,000 °C. This site uses cookies. Person” (according to Regulation S of the Securities Act). ANY PUBLIC OFFERING WILL BE CONDUCTED IN ITALY PURSUANT TO A PROSPECTUS, DULY AUTHORIZED BY CONSOB IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. This website uses analytics cookies to improve your experience. QUESTO SITO WEB (E LE INFORMAZIONI IVI CONTENUTE) NON CONTIENE NÉ COSTITUISCE UN'OFFERTA DI VENDITA DI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI O UNA SOLLECITAZIONE DI OFFERTA DI ACQUISTO O SOTTOSCRIZIONE DI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI NEGLI STATI UNITI, IN AUSTRALIA, CANADA O GIAPPONE O IN QUALSIASI ALTRO PAESE NEL QUALE L’OFFERTA O SOLLECITAZIONE DEGLI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI SAREBBERO SOGGETTE ALL’AUTORIZZAZIONE DA PARTE DI AUTORITÀ LOCALI O COMUNQUE VIETATE AI SENSI DI LEGGE (GLI “ALTRI PAESI”). NON SI INTENDE EFFETTUARE ALCUNA OFFERTA AL PUBBLICO DI TALI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI NEGLI STATI UNITI. Cable … Confirmation that the certifying party understands and accepts the above disclaimer. Cookies are tiny text files stored on your device that allow data states to be tracked as you browse around a site. By continuing to use our site or clicking “Allow” you consent to use our cookies. The resistance-to-fire of buildings products and structures is normally regulated by National Authorities. This website uses analytics cookies to improve your experience. QUALUNQUE OFFERTA PUBBLICA SARÀ REALIZZATA IN ITALIA SULLA BASE DI UN PROSPETTO, APPROVATO DA CONSOB IN CONFORMITÀ ALLA REGOLAMENTAZIONE APPLICABILE. GLI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI IVI INDICATI NON SONO STATI E NON SARANNO REGISTRATI AI SENSI DELLO U.S. SECURITIES ACT DEL 1933, COME SUCCESSIVAMENTE MODIFICATO (IL “SECURITIES ACT”), O AI SENSI DELLE CORRISPONDENTI NORMATIVE VIGENTI NEGLI “ALTRI PAESI” E NON POSSONO ESSERE OFFERTI O VENDUTI NEGLI STATI UNITI O A “U.S. ANY OFFER OF SECURITIES IN ANY MEMBER STATE OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA (“EEA”) WHICH HAS IMPLEMENTED THE PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE (EACH, A “RELEVANT MEMBER STATE”), WILL BE MADE ON THE BASIS OF A PROSPECTUS APPROVED BY THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY AND PUBLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE (THE “PERMITTED PUBLIC OFFER”) AND/OR PURSUANT TO AN EXEMPTION UNDER THE PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE FROM THE REQUIREMENT TO PUBLISH A PROSPECTUS FOR OFFERS OF SECURITIES. VITALink® RC90 is a self-contained 2-hour fire rated cable system that offers cost, reliability and ease of installation advantages over other methods of providing Fire Rated Circuits. In Stock. ACCORDINGLY, ANY PERSON MAKING OR INTENDING TO MAKE ANY OFFER OF SECURITIES IN A RELEVANT MEMBER STATE OTHER THAN THE PERMITTED PUBLIC OFFER, MAY ONLY DO SO IN CIRCUMSTANCES IN WHICH NO OBLIGATION ARISES FOR THE COMPANY OR ANY OF THE JOINT GLOBAL COORDINATORS OR ANY OF THE MANAGERS TO PUBLISH A PROSPECTUS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 3 OF THE PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE OR SUPPLEMENT A PROSPECTUS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 16 OF THE PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE, IN EACH CASE, IN RELATION TO SUCH OFFER. Type 241 Underground (coal) Mining Cables; Type 275 Shuttle Car Cables; Type 409 Mining and General Use Cables ; Detonator Cable; Automotive & Marine Cables. INVESTORS SHOULD NOT SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY SECURITIES REFERRED TO IN THIS DOCUMENT EXCEPT ON THE BASIS OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN ANY PROSPECTUS. Ho letto e compreso il disclaimer sopraesposto. Fire resistant cable for emergency lighting systems, power to fire & voice alarms BASEC & LPCB approved fire rated cables available. This is important, as one is far more effective than the other. The fire resistant wire saves up to 80% of space, compared to conventional conduit and wire systems. Conferma che il certificante comprende e accetta il disclaimer sopraesposto. Fire Rated Cable; View by Manufacturers… Manufacturers Ventcroft. The cable's materials are not going to burn during a sudden surge of electricity up to 150 watts and the cable itself will not carry a flame. A CL2 rating meaning that a cable has passed the required NEC test for a high rating of fire resistance. We always produce cables that are compliant to the most stringent international regulations. GLI STRUMENTI FINANZIARI IVI INDICATI NON SONO STATI E NON SARANNO REGISTRATI AI SENSI DELLO U.S. SECURITIES ACT DEL 1933, COME SUCCESSIVAMENTE MODIFICATO (IL “SECURITIES ACT”), O AI SENSI DELLE CORRISPONDENTI NORMATIVE VIGENTI NEGLI “ALTRI PAESI” E NON POSSONO ESSERE OFFERTI O VENDUTI NEGLI STATI UNITI O A “U.S. If a Jet Fire cable is exposed to a jet fire, rapid changes in the material state will give a cooling effect, which is maintained during a fire. CONSTRUCTION 1 Conductor Plain circular or compacted stranded copper conductor, conform to IEC 60228 class 2. Conferma che il certificante comprende e accetta il disclaimer sopraesposto. Accetto di rispettarne i vincoli. These cables generate very low smoke and are halogens free thus helping to save human life and protect the sensitive equipments. The information contained on this section is for information purposes only and are not intended for or open to access by anyone who is in or who is resident in the USA, Australia, Canada, Japan or in any of the Other Countries. Dichiaro di non essere soggetto residente o trovarmi negli Stati Uniti, in Australia, Canada o Giappone o uno degli Altri Paesi e di non essere una “US person” (ai sensi della Regulation S del Securities Act). Standard. Fire Performance Cables are intended for applications requiring circuit integrity during fire. Accetto di rispettarne i vincoli. CMI … These standards require cables to be tested to verify reduced fire propagation and low smoke emissions. THE COMPANY DOES NOT INTEND TO REGISTER ANY PORTION OF ANY OFFERING IN THE UNITED STATES. Installation Capabilities & Submarine Solutions. Fire Resistant cables are used, where required by local fire codes, in the wiring of: ... Cable are rated at 0.6 / 1 (1.2) kV. Firesure® Plain Annealed Copper Conductors / Silicone Rubber Insulated / Double Layer of Aluminum/Polyester Laminated Tapes / Circuit Protective Conductor / Thermoplastic Low Smoke Non-Halogen (LSNH) Sheath. Afumex® – Fire Rated Cables. THE EXPRESSION “PROSPECTUS DIRECTIVE” MEANS DIRECTIVE 2003/71/EC (THIS DIRECTIVE AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, INCLUDING DIRECTIVE 2010/73/EC, TO THE EXTENT IMPLEMENTED IN THE RELEVANT MEMBER STATE, TOGETHER WITH ANY IMPLEMENTING MEASURES IN ANY MEMBER STATE). Choose FP fire rated cables, only from Prysmian, to help protect property and save lives in a fire. Installation Capabilities & Submarine Solutions, The ability of a cable to maintain functionality during fire, The duration of survival in working condition. A Fire Rated Cable is a cable that will continue to operate in the presence of a fire, commonly identified as CI (Circuit Integrity) cable. This website provides comprehensive information about Prysmian FP cables and accessories including: Fire Resistant Cables - FP200 Gold, FP Plus, FP100, FP600S & FP Firefix; Cable Datasheets; Fire Testing and New Cable Developments; Frequently Asked Questions; 50 Years of Cable Development. I declare that I am not resident or located in United States, Australia, Canada or Japan or any Other Countries and I am not a “U.S. Prysmian continues to innovate by designing new cable product ranges with enhanced fire resistance properties in response to calls for improved safety and compliance with the most stringent standards.
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