It is a very common word and is often shortened when texting. Maybe you’ve never heard of this term before. 학, 김, 의, 월, 식, 꿈, 완. This is another word that is pronounced differently to how it’s spelled and due to this, it can cause confusion when first encountering the word. The troublesome syllable 뢰 is often mispronounced as 루왜. It is also one of the longest monosyllabic words of the English language. Rural. Like any discovery mission that dreams big, our first stop explores a ridiculously long word – 189,819 letters – that is also kinda fake. and change the "f" for a "v". Combining that with the diphthong 위 which has a similar sound to the “whea” in “wheat” often leads it being wrongly sounded out as either 주이 or 지. Pronunciation of the longest word in the world. Seriously. long long 1 S1 W1 / lɔːŋ ǁ lɔŋ / [형] (비교급 longer – 최상급 longest) 1 GREAT LENGTH (길이가) 긴 ↔ short • long hair 긴 머리 • the longest tunnel in the world 세계에서 가장 긴 터널 two miles / three meters etc. According to Guinness, this was the longest German dictionary word in everyday usage. The literal translation, “cow vagina,” might be a different story. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples It has 189,819 letters (we can't verify that) and takes more than three hours to pronounce (or that): Unfortunately, this device does not support voice recording, Click the record button again to finish recording. Search Word To Pronounce. You have earned {{app.voicePoint}} points. 어려워요 = It’s Difficult Is there a Korean word that isn’t on the list that you’ve found particularly difficult to pronounce? Fair, soft mutation of Mair (“(saint) Mary”) 3. pwll (“pool”) 4. gwyn (“white”) 5. cyll (“hazel”) 6. go ger (“near about”) 7. y (“the”) 8. chwyrn (“fierce”) 9. drobwll, soft mutation of trobwll (“whirlpool”) (from troi (“to turn”)) 10. llan (“parish, church”) 11. Out of the fourteen basic consonants, five of them, which are ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, and ㅈ, can form double consonants. haha, I know how to read hangeul but this words makes trouble to pronounce. 쥐 = Mouse This is also the case of titin – a giant human protein which is responsible for the passive elasticity of the muscle. The Korean word 친구 (chingu) means “friend”, but only same-age friends. Although each syllable begins with the same letter, the endings of each syllable is what will catch you out. or post as a guest, {{ view.quiz.questions_count }} Questions. 'Longest' word has 189,819 letters, takes three hours to pronounce 'Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl...isoleucine' is the chemical name of 'titin'. Korean vowels pronunciation. Pronouncing 의 should be like saying the “u” in “pull” and “ee” in “feet” quickly following each other as one sound. It has gained a measure of fame as it is the longest place name found in any English-speaking country, and possibly the longest place name in the world; according to World Atlas. 주원료 = Main Ingredient While it’s written as 관리인, it is actually pronounced as 괄리인. If someone you know is a different age, then you would want to use the correct title. ... Romanization of Korean ... "The upper new settlement named after Kutlumbet (a Turkic male personal name)" Notes: Believed to be the longest one-word name of a settlement in Russia. 어느 includes the tricky vowels 어 and 으 which aren’t found in other languages, leading it often being mispronounced as “오누.”. Leave a vote for your preferred pronunciation. 신뢰 = Trust In Chinese slang, this curse word means “f*cking awesome” as well. However, in the past it has been disputed whether or not it is a real word - proteins are named after the chemicals involved in making them. On its own, the diphthong 외 has a similar pronunciation to the “we” in “wet.” However, trying to pronounce this when combined with ㄴ is a lot more difficult to sound out. Next is ultra, meaning “extremely,” and microscopic, meaning too small to be seen without a microscope. This word describes a disease that’s caused by inhaling fine volcanic silica dust, so the next roots are silico, which refers to the silica particles, and volcano. Just make sure you start practicing Korean with Mondly and you won’t be sorry. For example, she can spell the longest word in the English vocabulary, and could do so after just seeing it once. This word was engendered by Dr. Edward Strother in order to describe spa waters of Bath. When standing alone, 외 has a similar pronunciation to the “we” in “wet,” but combining it with the aspirated consonant ㅊ makes it a little tricky to vocalise correctly. Welsh weatherman Liam Dutton nailed the pronunciation of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. It would have been too good to be true. The word is not in official medical usage, and textbooks refer to this disease as pneumonoconiosis, pneumoconiosis, or silicosis. 빵, 몸, 왜, 산, 씹, 했, 찌. This word may be short, but that doesn’t make it easy to pronounce. How to pronounce length. ; Record yourself saying 'longest' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. Although it has its n… Diphthongs are once again the culprit of this word being difficult to articulate correctly. There are just 10 standard vowels in Korean, and they can either be horizontally or vertically oriented.. Composed of the following elements: 1. llan (“parish, church”) 2. Combining that with the diphthong 위 which has a similar sound to the “whea” in “wheat” often leads it being wrongly sounded out as either 주이 or 지. Simply select a language and press on the speaker button to listen to the pronunciation of the word. 샘 (saem) = 선생님 (seonsaengnim) This word is also sometimes used when speaking, but it is more commonly used in text messaging. The consonant ㅈ is a cross between the English “J” and “Ch” sound. Word of the day - in your inbox every day, © 2020 HowToPronounce. Actually pronounced as “주월요,” this can be confusing at first. Congrats! It’s not a big place, only the sixth largest community on the island with around 3,000 people living there, but it does boast the biggest full name in the British isles, and the second largest place name (that is a single word) in the world. 어느 includes the tricky vowels 어 and 으 which aren’t found in other languages, leading it often being mispronounced as “오누.”. Let us know in the comments below! There may not be any over-complicated letter combinations in this word, but it still feels like a mouthful trying to enunciate it. When first learning how to sound out double consonants like ㄲ, you may practice pausing for before articulating the sound to give it the tensed sound you’re after. This explains one of the reasons that Korean people pronounce words that come from English using a different pronunciation. Since you have exceeded your time limit, your recording has been stopped. When learning a new language, it is inevitable that you’ll come across words where you’ll think “How on earth do I pronounce that? 일요일 = Sunday The two syllables contain different sounding vowels, yet it is often incorrectly pronounced as 회외. It is not used any longer. Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'longest': Break 'longest' down into sounds: [LON] + [GUHST] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. It's much more like ㅆ, especially in cases like "so," "sausage", "set", etc. Long definition: Long means a great amount of time or for a great amount of time. Sorry to ruin it for you! The two syllables contain different sounding vowels, yet it is often incorrectly pronounced as 회외. Sounding out each of the syllables on their own shouldn’t cause any issues, but the medley of similar sounding consonants and vowels can make it hard to pronounce when the word is used in a sentence. ” Use the long O-sound, like in the words bone or go, at the start and end of the root. The second syllable of this word is simple to pronounce. LLAN - To start off with, pronounce this section as you would do the Scottish word Pronunciation of 당신의 딸 with 1 audio pronunciation and more for 당신의 딸. The following symbols are used for the phonemes of Korean: vowels: a ɛ ʌ e o ø u y ɯ i glides: j w ɰ consonants: m b p pʰ n d t tʰ l z̥ʰ s ʣʲ ʦʲ ʦʲʰ ŋ ɡ k kʰ h The correspondence with hangul (Korean alphabet) orthography is as follows: ㅏ a / ㅐ ɛ / ㅑ ja / ㅒ jɛ / ㅓ ʌ / ㅔ e / ㅕ jʌ / ㅖ je / ㅗ o / ㅘ wa / ㅙ wɛ / ㅚ ø / ㅛ jo / ㅜ u / ㅝ wʌ / ㅞ we / ㅟ y / ㅠ ju / ㅡ ɯ / ㅢ ɰi / ㅣ i ㄱ ɡ / ㄲ k / ㄴ n / ㄷ d / ㄸ t / ㄹ l / ㅁ m / ㅂ b / ㅃ p / ㅅ z̥ʰ / ㅆ s / ㅇ ŋ / ㅈ ʣʲ / ㅉ ʦʲ / ㅊ ʦʲʰ / ㅋ kʰ / ㅌ tʰ / ㅍ pʰ / ㅎ h There is also the length mark (ː) to … Pseudo-is a combining form meaning "false, pretended, unreal. Even though 으스스한 is a fun word to say, that doesn’t mean it’s easy to say too. Following this is 애 which is pronounced like the “ai” in the word “main,” but with a shorter sound. If the tensed consonant ㄲ doesn’t give you any pronunciation trouble, the last letter of the word might. If you ask an English speaker, they will probably say that the longest word they know is “antidisestablishmentarianism.” You have to hand it to them, that’s a mouthful! The longest word in English has 189,819 letters and would take you three and a half hours to pronounce correctly. Despite it being ㅊ, it is actually pronounced like a cut-off “T” sound. Videographer Audra … Another word that is pronounced different to how it is spelled. However, the trouble usually comes from the diphthong 의. Despite it being ㅊ, it is actually pronounced like a cut-off “T” sound. It may make it a tiny bit simpler to sound out, however, the combination of the ㄴ and ㅠ doesn’t make it roll off the tongue, and it can take a few tries to perfect the pronunciation. You’d be forgiven for pronouncing this word how it’s spelled – as 종류. We couldn’t get through this list without throwing in a super long and complex word for you to work out. It is rather innocuous and considered a rather tame curse word. It happens to be the longest non-technical word in the English language. The "Y group" of vowel letters are actually two sounds in one. Tysilio (“(saint) Tysilio”) 12. Watch the latest news videos and the top news video clips online at ABC News. Konglish (콩글리쉬) is the Korean version of English words. We’ve compiled a list of the most common words and phrases that we’ve found our students struggle with in our 1:1 lessons. The purpose of this list is to give a rough idea of the Korean language. The troublesome syllable 뢰 is often mispronounced as 루왜. How to Pronounce Korean Vowels 3 Vowels Don’t Have English Counterparts. The Longest Word In The World Pronunciation . The purpose of this list is to give a rough idea of the Faroese language. long pronunciation. Here's a man reading aloud the longest word in the English language. FAIR - Simply pronounce this section as you would the english word "fire", (not like you would expect to pronounce the word "fair" in english!) 꽃 = Flower Following this is 애 which is pronounced like the “ai” in the word “main,” but with a shorter sound. While it’s written as 관리인, it is actually pronounced as 괄리인. The consonant ㅈ is a cross between the English “J” and “Ch” sound. Pronunciation of longest with 1 audio pronunciation, 2 synonyms, 15 translations, 11 sentences and more for longest. We recommend you to try Safari. Pronunciation of Blair with 2 audio pronunciations, 7 synonyms, 3 meanings, 6 translations, 21 sentences and more for Blair. 150 Funny Tongue Twisters to test your pronunciation! the longest word in the world pronunciation with translations, sentences, synonyms, meanings, antonyms and more. The three that typically cause the most trouble for English speakers though are “ㅡ” (eu), “ㅓ” (eo) and “ㅕ” (yeo) because they don’t have natural equivalent vowel sounds in English. Another word that is pronounced different to how it is spelled. You’ll even find words in your own native language that you struggle to verbalize and question if it’s actually a real word. You've got the pronunciation of longest right. It is best to abandon all English/Latin representations of Korean sounds, as … Pronouncing 의 should be like saying the “u” in “pull” and “ee” in “feet” quickly following each other as one sound. Learn more. A tip for this is to pull your lips wide to both sides of your mouth when you voice this letter. 쉽다 = To be easy 지체된 = Delayed Pages in category "Pronunciation by language" The following 87 pages are in this category, out of 87 total. In the end, this word sounds like “Is-muss.” 10. If the tensed consonant ㄲ doesn’t give you any pronunciation trouble, the last letter of the word might. However, the trouble usually comes from the diphthong 의. Although pronouncing this word slowly is rather easy, saying 일요일 at normal speed can be a little bit of a tongue twister. long - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Finally, coniosis is a word … You only have to listen to the native pronunciation to understand how tricky this word is. However, to make it easier to pronounce, its sound is changed to 종뉴. 가족 (gajok) means “family”. Dec. 2004 Sumatra quake was longest ever recorded, Woman with world's longest fingernails loses them in car crash, Longest coffee table symbolises World Fair Trade Day in Belgium, Swiss finish drilling world's longest overland tunnel, Manmohan Singh becomes the third longest serving Prime Minister of India. The pronunciation of the root is the same as the full word … Last Updated: February 22, 2021. The longest usual word in French is intergouvernementalisations (27 letters), plural form of intergouvernementalisation (26 letters) but the longest known word is “anticonstitutionnellement” (25 letters). Note that ㅐ (ae) used to be pronounced like the a in mat, but these days most Korean speakers will just pronounce it as ㅔ (e).. Y Vowels. A man has attempted to pronounce the longest word in the world, which consists of 189,819 letters and takes about 213 minutes to pronounce. In addition to the syllables above, continue listening to the audio files in Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 (Unit 0) in the tables presented in those lessons. Part of Speech: adjective. 경찰청 = Police Station There may not be any over-complicated letter combinations in this word, but it still feels like a mouthful trying to enunciate it.
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